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A warm welcome to all of our new students: Florence Ridder, David John Ludvigsen, Maia Jeftha, Elias Tumanako, Gursehaj Singh, Cillian Togher, Hudson Ten Boom-Peacocok, Grayson Gibbs, Charlie Diveall, Lachlan Hepi, Haeyun Shim, Ye Ran Bang, Sasrang Seok, Juwoo Choo, Chloe Crighton-Pester, William Creighton-Pester, Sara Arias Tonga, Spencer Fleming
Kia ora koutou, nau mai, haere mai,
A warm welcome back to all our families, and a special welcome to those who have joined our Puketaha School community this year. The first day of term is always an exciting one, as the tamariki bring the school to life with their energy and smiles. We were really pleased with how well all our students settled back into school on Monday.
Last week, our staff were back on site, engaging in professional learning, setting goals and action plans for the year in line with our Strategic Direction, planning for learning, setting up classrooms, making movies, and team building. One of our professional learning days was led by a Ministry of Education Mathematics Curriculum facilitator, who provided training on the new Mathematics Curriculum being implemented this year. Many aspects aligned well with our current practices, such as the CPA approach—teaching mathematics using concrete materials, and pictorial representations, and then moving to abstract thinking. Other key elements include flexible groupings, making mathematics relevant to real life, maintaining high expectations for all learners, and explicit teaching. The facilitator also emphasised that the new curriculum sets achievement expectations that are higher in some areas and there is a lot of knowledge for the learners to build up over time, so there may be some catch-up for learners while they transition from one curriculum to the new one—moving from larger more generalised achievement bands for each year group to quite detailed and specific achievement objectives for each year group. Our teaching staff will be implementing the new curriculum into their maths programmes this term.
Our teachers also participated in team-building activities to strengthen professional relationships. Team culture is something we deeply value, as it is essential for our effective co-teaching teams. When we support and challenge each other, we create the best outcomes for our learners.
"Accomplishing the maximum impact on student learning depends on teams of teachers working together." – John Hattie
We also value our relationships with whaanau and see the positive impact when teachers and families work together. Our upcoming Teacher/Whaanau Catch-Ups are a great opportunity to meet your child’s kaitiaki teacher, share insights about your child, and discuss your hopes for the year ahead. These conversations help build strong working relationships and give teachers a deeper understanding of each learner’s story. Bookings for these catch-ups can be made via the HERO app.
Looking ahead, our Strategic Direction for 2025 will continue to focus on three overarching goals, with annual actions supporting our progress toward them:
- Child-Centred Learning – Enhancing the learning capacity and mana (self-efficacy/ pride) of our aakonga (students) by providing future-focused, child-centred learning programmes.
- Quality Curriculum – Delivering a rich, balanced learning programme that supports aakonga (students) in progressing and achieving in relation to the New Zealand Curriculum.
- Continuous Growth – Developing and embedding systems and practices that promote future growth and ensure sustainability.
We are excited for the year ahead and look forward to working alongside you all!
Ngaa mihi
Nyree Olliver
On behalf of the Puketaha PTA we welcome new and returning families to Term 1, 2025! We are on the lookout for new helpers to replace those we lose each year and would like to see you at our first meeting of the year (Tuesday 18th February, School staffroom 7.30 pm.) We work with the school to support school initiatives and organise events to create a positive learning experience for all at Puketaha.
We meet twice a term (week 3 and week 7) and then liaise over events that pop up during the term. We have a fantastic term ahead and have lots of opportunities for parents to get involved with, including The School’s Try Challenge Day ; PTA’s Golf Day, PTA’s Colour Run (yes it’s back) to name a few. More details to come on all of those, but basically we are always looking for sponsors, prizes, baked goodies and people who can share their ideas and skills to pitch in to help. Hope to see you on the 18th!
Kind regards
Merynn Connors
PTA Chairperson
M: 027 629 6820 E:
Teacher/ Whaanau Catch Up's Feb 19th and 20th
Each year we hold our Teacher/ Whaanau Catch-Ups. These are a 10-minute sit-down chat with your child’s teacher to strengthen relationships between home and school. During this time, you can share any information you feel their teacher should know, and bring up any worries you may have about their learning, behaviour or relationships with their peers. Alongside their teacher, you can set goals for the year.
These meetings are optional and are with your child’s kaitiaki teacher. They will be able to pass on any information from these meetings with the other teachers in the spaces.
Immediately after the fire, one of our school families, the owners of Safeguard Storage, quickly offered storage units for us to use. This allowed us to pack up our library and clear furniture from Kaakano 2, making space for temporary classrooms for the rest of the year. Thanks to their generosity, we have been able to store everything we needed at a very generous rate.
A heartfelt thank you to Shannon and Brani for their quick thinking and incredible support.
With the loss of our PAC last year in the fire, we also unfortunately not only lost the use of our hall, but we also important storage space at the back of our PAC. We stored all sorts of equipment from sports equipment, musical instruments, production supplies, seating, outdoor play equipment, furniture, outdoor umbrellas and our PTA and Journey Kids equipment. On hearing about our misfortunes and our lack of storage, the kind people at SEA Containers offered us an amazing deal to rent a storage container for all of 2025. They made sure the delivery fee and monthly rental were heavily reduced. From first contact with SEA Containers, through to delivery, the whole process was easy and we are really happy to now have a storage container onsite to store our equipment for the rest of the year.
Thank you to all the people at SEA Containers, we really appreciate your kindness and community spirit.
Hamilton Branch
0272 420 604
0508 732 266
Absences - The School Office monitors all absences, if your child or children are going to be away from school, or late parents/ caregivers are asked to notify the office.
This can be done via HERO app, a text (no phone calls please) 020 404 28607, or - a reason must be provided. Please Note HERO absence notification is only for currrent absence. If you are going to be away at a future date please use text or email
If your child is ill for more than 3 days you may be required to provide a medical certificate. If your child accumulates 5 unexplained or unjustified absences over the year, we will make contact with you to discuss how attendance can be improved. Thank you.
Pick up and drop off times -Children are to be dropped off at school no earlier than 8.20 am. We would also appreciate parents and caregivers picking up your children promptly at the end of the day.
Crossing the Road/ Car park- If you drop off and pick your child up from the Sainsbury Road entrance, please walk your child along the path and cross them at the crossing area only. If you pick up your child from the Puketaha Community Hall Car Park, please hop out of your car to meet your child by the gate. The duty teachers will not send children out into the car park alone, as it is dangerous with cars backing out.
Parking- Please do not park in the Staff Car Park or the bus bay on Sainsbury Road. The gate by the turf on Puketaha Road is not a drop-off or pick-up spot, please use either the Community Hall or the Sainsbury Road Entry. Please avoid parking your car where you might be blocking the view of cars pulling out or blocking the view of the crossing area.
Use of School Grounds Out of School Hours - We know that many families enjoy using our school grounds outside of school hours, and you are very welcome to do so. Please be aware that during this time, you are responsible for your own and your children's Health and Safety. We also ask that families respect our school grounds and our ‘No Smoking and No Vaping’ policy.
If you want to use the school grounds out of hours for Sports practices, for example, please contact Jason at
Water Only - Puketaha School is a water-only school - which means that there are no flavoured milk drinks or juice. Children should have their own drink bottles.
Sun Safety - Hats -All children are to wear a hat for outdoor activities during Term 1.
Contact details - Please email any updated addresses and phone numbers to the school office. It is important that we can make contact in an emergency. This can also be done via the school app.
Could parents/ caregivers please inform the school office if there is any updated information regarding your child's health. This includes information about allergies and treatment.
Social Media- We ask that our school community please avoid posting photos of school events which include other people's children, on public social media. If you do, please make sure you have permission from the parents first.
Out-of-School Care - Our before and after-school care provider is Journey Kids. Visit the website for hours, prices, contact information and to book. Journey Kids
If you have concerns regarding your child, the first place to address them is with your child’s kaitiaki teacher, and then if not resolved, with our Assistant Principal, Mrs Nicky Khoo or Deputy Principal, Mr Jason Boobyer. Finally, you can contact the Principal, Mrs Nyree Olliver, if your concerns remain unresolved.
Please be aware that teachers do not check their emails during student contact times but will often aim to get back to you within 24 hours. Teachers are not available via text; please direct messages through our school office or email.
Assistant Principal -Nicky Khoo
Deputy Principal -Jason Boobyer
Principal- Nyree Olliver
The Public Health Nurse will be at school for immunisation education for Year 7 & Year 8
and to give out consent forms on Monday 17/2/2025. If you do not wish your child to
attend the education session please the school know.
If parents have any queries or changes please contact the Public Health Nurse-
Anne McNicol
User name & password
Grace Millane Handbag Appeal
The Grace Millane handbag appeal runs from 14th to 8th March. The appeal merges Grace's love of handbags with helping women in need.
Carolyn Harvey (Puketaha parent) is organising a collection of not only handbags but items from the official list which can be dropped at the school office during school hours or alternatively at the Hamilton Fencing offices (7 am - 5:30 pm weekdays).
Thank you for supporting this cause.
Pottery Workshops at Puketaha Hall
At Puketaha School, we enjoy a strong sense of community, working together respectfully to create a safe environment for all. Here is our School Community Conduct policy for your reference.