How are digital tools used?
We have a considered and measured approach to the use of digital tools in all Learning Environments. Ipads/Tablets are NOT part of the Year 1 and 2 Programmes. We ensure the learning objectives drive the tools, not the other way around. Digital devices, Ipads and Chromebooks are available for learning purposes from Years 3 - 8.
How can payments be made to School?
The school's preferred method of payment is internet based Kindo. To sign up, use the links on the school website. Cash payments should be handed in at the school office.
Do you have School Buses?
Yes, we have our Ministry Funded Bus that picks up children within the Transport Entitlement Zone free of charge. All children will have to be in our Enrolment Zone to be entitled to this bus. Please contact our School Office to find out more about this.
What are the School hours?
School hours.
9am School Starts
9am - 10:40am First Block
10.40am – 11.10am Morning Interval
11:10am - 12:50pm Middle Block
12.50pm-1.40pm Lunch Break
1:40pm - 2:55pm Last Block
2.55pm School Finishes
Do you have afterschool care?
Yes. Fun at either end of the school day at Journey Kids Before and After School Care Programmes.
If you require any more information please do not hesitate to contact us on: admin@journeykids.co.nz or
(027) 261-5849
Do you have an Agricultural Day?
Yes, we are a rural school and agricultural day is a highlight for many children and parents. This is held at the beginning of
Term 4. Children are encouraged to enter a lamb, goat or calf.
What happens about dental care?
Check up appointments for your child are made by the Fairfield Dental clinic and these will be sent out to you. You can contact with the team at any time to make an appointment by calling 0800 Talk Teeth.
Does Puketaha School have an enrolment zone?
Yes, our school has an enrolment scheme. The school zone is shown in the map below: You may need to zoom in or out to show the appropriate level of detail.
For more information on school zoning go to the Education Counts Ministry of Education website School Zoning.
Can children purchase lunch at school?
Yes. There is no canteen at Puketaha. Puketaha School does however offer a 'Fun Friday', which is a bought lunch on a Friday. This can be ordered and paid for through Kindo. For lunch options and ordering sign into your school Kindo account.
Is there a school library?
Yes, each class visits the library at least once each week. Junior children are able to borrow one book each week (to be taken home in the book bag issued when they start school) and the older children can borrow two books.
How should money be sent to school?
Any money brought to school should be in a sealed envelope with the child’s name, the amount and details written clearly on the outside. This should be placed in the secure slot in the school office.
Does the school release regular Newsletters and Notices?
Yes. The main form of communication at Puketaha School is via email. The school newsletter is published every second Thursday and emailed to parents and caregivers, any interested person can sign up to receive the newsletter via the website. The newsletter is full of information about the events at school, sports fixtures, PTA news, Curriculum news etc. Newsletters for each roopuu (learning space) are emailed at the start of each term by the classroom teachers.
What parking facilities are available?
There are two areas available for delivering your children to school and picking them up in the afternoon. These are the main gate, located on Sainsbury Road and the Puketaha Community Hall carpark, located on Puketaha Road. Please escort your children to the school gate and pick them up from the school gate, via the designated paths at both car parks. This is for the safety of all of our Puketaha students. In no circumstance should parents/ caregivers park in the Bus Bay (Sainsbury Road).
How can I find out about the PTA?
The Puketaha PTA is an integral part of school. We facilitate opportunities for parents and children to get together out of the classroom environment. We are proud that at Puketaha we have an active, enthusiastic and social PTA. For more information or enquires about the PTA please contact them directly - pta@puketaha.school.nz.
Do you Report to Parents?
Yes. We aim to report on your child’s learning throughout the year in a range of ways, from emails, texts, phone calls, the Class Dojo app, and when possible catching up informally at the end of the school day.
In addition to this we send home two written reports a year. These will be given to you at the End of Term 2 and Term 4. New Entrant (Year 0’s) children will receive a 10 Week Follow up report within 2 weeks of their 10 Week Anniversary.
We also have Student-led conferences in Terms 2 & Term 4.
School houses
All students are members of one of our four School Houses. Siblings are generally in the same house. Puketaha’s Houses are Rimu (green), Tawa (purple), Rata (red), Kowhai (yellow).
What sporting opportunities are there for my child to participate in?
All students have the opportunity to participate in a range of sports. Students can choose from a range of extra-curricular team sports. These include: Touch Rugby, Basketball, Hockey and Netball. We offer these core sports at school and ask for parent support with the management of these teams.
Throughout the year, students also have the opportunity to attend the Morrinsville Rugby and Netball Fun Day, Rippa Rugby Tournament and Rural Schools Hockey Tournament.
Puketaha School is one of the schools in the Eastern Waikato Country Schools (EWCS) Cluster. This enables our children to participate in the East Waikato Country School (EWCS) competitions. Term 1 - Swimming Sports, Term 2 - Cross Country and Technology Challenge, Term 3 - Speeches and Hardcourt Day, Term 4 - Athletics. Children 9 years and older attend these events (at times, some younger students may be invited to attend). A Junior sports event is held in Term 4 for junior children aged 7 & 8.
Further to these opportunities. Other extra-curricular events that we offer include: Weetbix Kiwi Kids Triathlon, Epro8 Challenge, Junior Tough Guy/Gal, Young Leaders Day (Year 7/8s), Amazing Race, Sports Camp (Year 7/8s), AIMS Games and Round The Bridges.
Sunsafe students
Puketaha encourages sun safe behaviours from all its Learning Community Members. Hats are essential for all of our children for outdoor activities during Term 1 and Term 4. In addition Sun Block is provided in all our Learning Environments and on the school field throughout the day.
What are the benefits of my child going to a full primary school?
At Puketaha School we offer an inspiring and enlightening Year 7 & 8 programme at the cutting edge of collaborative teaching. Our teaching programmes revolve around learner agency where the learner is at the center. Students are supported and encouraged to take control of their learning as the grow their self-determined learning behaviours. Teachers utilise the Puketaha Learning Model to support students by building knowledge, making meaning and applying understanding. The reputation of our Year 7 & 8 programme is one of which the school is very proud. Many visitors from around Australasia come to see our programme in action.
By staying at our school until the end of Year 8 children’s learning progress is not hindered by an additional transition within their schooling pathway. Often families weigh up the pros and cons of moving to an Intermediate. Staying at Puketaha allows student transition from Year 6 to Year 7 to be seamless as they are in a familiar environment where they already know the structures, routines and teaching staff. Puketaha offers a very robust learning programme where the number of opportunities provided often outweigh those found elsewhere.
Overall, we have smaller teacher-student ratios and a culture of inclusion and participation. Children tend to be involved in a great range of activities and enjoy a balance of sport, art and cultural activities.
How does the school cater for the gifted?
Puketaha's vision is "to develop students unique gifts and talents and to equip them with the learning capacity to thrive in our complicated world". Puketaha recognizes that children can be gifted in a wide variety of areas. This doesn't just include academic giftedness, therefore, we ensure that we provide programmes that do not put ceilings on learners, allowing them to reach their full potential. In-class groups reflect age/stage and curriculum progress.
Do you offer opportunities for varied interests?
Creative Arts, drama and music are seen to be integral parts of our Curriculum. Information Technology is a tool which is used in all classrooms to support and enhance learning. All students (Years 3-8) have access to devices and are able to use this technology to build on their learning and develop their knowledge and understanding.
We offer extra-curricular events such as: Weetbix Kiwi Kids Triathlon, Epro8 Challenge, Junior Tough Guy/Gal, Young Leaders Day (Year 7/8s), Amazing Race, Sports Camp (Year 7/8s), AIMS Games and Round The Bridges.
How do you deal with bullying?
We are a values orientated school. Our values define the way in which all members of our Learning Community are expected to behave. In addition, we recognise the importance of building self-esteem and the self-efficacy of all learners. Our Collaborative Learning Environments help foster positive relationships and support positive conflict resolution through conversation. Inappropriate behavior is dealt with depending on the situation, all children are aware there are consequences for their actions and parents/caregivers are contacted when appropriate.
Do you have a school uniform?
No. Children learn to choose appropriate clothing to suit their activities for the day. We do have a sports uniform that all children wear who represent our school, items of the sports uniform are available to be purchased - please contact the School Office for details. Children are asked to bring a hat to school especially in Terms 1 and 4.
Do you have a school pool?
Yes. We are lucky enough to have a newly built/ refurbished pool complex. The complex has a 20m - 5 lane pool, two changing areas, toilet and two large seating areas. The children have regular Swimming Lessons (at least 3 per week) during Term One.
A limited number of pool keys are available from November to March for school families to use the pool outside of school hours. For further information, contact the office.
What sports can my child participate in?
All Puketaha students have the opportunity to participate in a number of school run sports teams including: Touch Rugby, Netball, Hockey and Basketball. Cricket, Football and Rugby are now run through clubs.
Puketaha School is one of the schools in the Eastern Waikato Country Schools Cluster. This enables our children to participate in the Eastern Waikato Country School (EWCS) compertitions. A range of events are held throughout the year for learners aged 9 years and up to participate in. Term 1 - Swimming Sports, Term 2 - Cross Country and Technology Challenge, Term 3 - Speeches and Harcourt Day, Term 4 - Athletics. A Junior sports event is also held in Term 4 for junior children age 7 & 8.
Further to these opportunities. Other extra-curricular events that we offer include: Weetbix Kiwi Kids Triathlon, Epro8 Challenge, Junior Tough Guy/Gal, Young Leaders Day (Year 7/8s), Amazing Race, Sports Camp (Year 7/8s), AIMS Games and Round The Bridges.
For more detailed information on sports see here.